...: a Contemplative :..
I saw a green duck,
flying the canal,
the boat sailed the river.
the swan just woke up scared,
looking at the duck,
laughing a loud
the green duck said "be quiet"
flying to the swan,
said "don't laugh for me !"
the man sit on the chair,
behind the oak tree,
smoke a cigar.
he saw the green duck flying,
he said to his friend :
"that was amazing".
cause the duck can flying,
he said to the swan :
"the men loves me too".
" I am the flying green duck"
the swan can't smiling,
he just left the duck.
the green duck can't see the boat.
he's got accident.
he's dead by the boat.
Amsterdam, April 28th 2010
Anton Dwi

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